Friday, October 16, 2015

18 weeks "Bumpdate"


I am now 5 months pregnant! Woohoo! Getting closer to that halfway point (Week 20) & 2 weeks away from finding out the gender of our little love! 
Baby: is the size of a sweet potato now! 
Weighing 6.7 oz and almost 6 inches long. Baby Pro is growing like a weed. Can you believe he/she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing? And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too. Now baby Pro is big enough that I am starting to feel a lot of movement! In fact, at our last prenatal appointment- our doc had to move the doplar wand around so much to keep up with where the baby was moving. She said "you guys have an active little one! Good thing y'all are young!" Hahaha. I guess we have a little acrobat on our hands! 
Bump: This week I can definitely feel some growing pains! I know it is growing because of the "round ligament" pain I am experiencing in my lower abdomen. Round ligament pain is common in the 2nd trimester around the halfway point in pregnancy. Usually it is a dull pain that comes and goes throughout the day, but sometimes it is a very sharp stabbing pain that lasts for a few minutes then goes away. I have experienced the sharp pain probably 4 times in the last 2 weeks. When it does get sharp i usually try take a hot shower to ease the pain. The first time I felt round ligament pain, I was very panicked because I had never felt that sensation before (very different than menstrual cramps) and I broke out in a cold sweat, could hardly move & threw up. My doctor said that I should not be alarmed as many women, especially first time moms, experience this "round ligament" pain as the ligaments that are on the outside of the uterus (womb) have to stretch and lengthen to accommodate the growing baby. So all in all, I know that is some major growth happening this week. 
Favorite moment of the week: Easy! Both my students from BHS dance team and Ballet Yahweh performed their routines this weekend! The dance team that I coach performed at the Friday night varsity football game and did a fantastic job! I am so proud of them for their hard work, great attitudes and sharing their talents with others! 

Also the omega class from Ballet Yahweh performed twice this weekend. Once at the Branson Landing: 

AND at their home church on Sunday (Fbc Forsyth). They praised His name with dancing and it was so beautiful! 

Miss anything? Not really!
Cravings? Not anything specific this week. 
Sickness? This week Tyler has been battling a bad cold, body aches & incessant cough. I felt sick last Monday and rested a lot and I felt a lot better the next day. Unfortunately Tyler is still sick, in fact- as I am writing this he is picking up his prescription from the doctor! Praying he gets better ASAP and that I don't catch what he has! 
Gender prediction: hmmm... I think it will be a boy or a girl!! ;) 
Labor signs: none
Mood/energy: normal
Sleep: I am sleeping well, except the two  nights I was awakened by the round ligament pain. 
Exercise: Still teaching 4 workout classes a week, but next week I will be cutting it down to 2 a week.
Diet/Weight: At the beginning of pregnancy I weighed 125. I went up to 130 but at my last appt I weighed 129. My doctor said I am torching through so many calories right now with all the activities I am involved in, which is great- but I also need to be gaining a little more weight. So she recommended that I cut back two of my fitness classes that  I teach. She also said I need to eat more... Which, I don't think that be a problem! Lol! 
Prayer needs: Just for Tylers health and that he can get the rest he needs to recover quickly! Also, that I will stay healthy as I help take care of him. 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!!! Woohoo! Oct 29 cant get here soon enough! 
Thankful for: Dr. Allison! She is a great doctor and she shares in all our excitement. She always answers any questions we have and is very knowledgable. I left the last appointment all giddy and smiling ear to ear as we were able to hear his/her heartbeat and told at the next appointment we will find out the gender! It is getting more and more real and we are both so excited! 

Until next time-


Dorothy and Baby Pro! 

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