Tuesday, October 6, 2015

17 Weeks "Bumpdate"

It is so hard to believe I am nearing five months pregnant! On week 20 I will be halfway through with pregnancy and 1 week away from knowing whether Baby Pro is a boy or girl! So exciting! 
Here's a chart to help visualize: I am in my second trimester, finishing out month 4 & week 17!

Baby: This week, Baby pro's body will start filling out by adding that cute little baby fat. His/her hair is growing, eyelashes are coming in and facial features are getting more distinct. Each week, she's adding fat and muscle and become stronger, so his/her kicks will become stronger. Keep in mind, he/she still only weights 3-1/2 ounces- Even though this doesn't seem like much weight, if you put it in perspective, baby Pro has been doing plenty of growing. For example, he/she's more than doubled her weight in the last two weeks, and by the end of this trimester she'll more than quadruple her weight -- by week 28 she'll weigh in at 2 lbs! He/She will also double in length & in just 3 more weeks will be the size of a banana! Here is another apps description of how big our baby is...  
Haha!!! These apps are so funny!
Bump: To me, I can feel my baby growing so I feel like my bump is starting to show... I don't think it is that noticeable to stangers though. In fact, when I was teaching dance last night one of the students moms overheard me talking about my pregnancy. She came up to me and  said "You're pregnant??! I would have never known!!! You are still so tiny!" So, I definitely think he/she has not "popped" out yet... But probably really soon! 

Favorite moment of the week: getting to stay with Tash and John in Fayetteville and seeing my friend Shelby Taylor get married to her love. It was such a beautiful wedding and a fun reunion of k-institute class and my college friends.

Miss anything? I have a feeling I am going to be missing my skinny jeans here soon. 
Movement: Nothing yet! Still waiting for those first little flutters! 
Cravings? Mac & cheese / always green "naked" juice, cheeseburgers
Sickness? I experienced round ligament pain this week due to the growing baby applying pressure to my ligaments. On Wednesday it was so sharp for about 5 minutes, I could hardly stand it! Since then it has been more like a dull pain that comes and goes in my lower abdomen. I definitely think our little one hit a growth spurt this week! 
Gender prediction: Getting so close to finding out- ever since my dream, I have been thinking it will be a boy, but before that both Tyler and I were thinking "girl!" Maybe it's because we couldn't think of boy names we liked for the longest time. 
Labor signs: None. 
Mood/energy: My legs & feet seem to be getting a little more tired after being up for a long period of time, but overall- my energy has been a lot better this second trimester. 
Sleep: still sleeping really good! 
Exercise: Teaching PiYo 2x a week & OneBeat 2 X a week! Also teaching dance has kept me very active. Here's a pic I took on my way to teach this week!

Don't miss your chance to come out to support the Branson pirates at their last home football game Friday @7pm Oct 9th- the dance team that I coach will be performing during halftime & I just know they will do a fantastic job! 

Shout out to my students at Ballet Yahweh who will be performing at the Branson Landing this Saturday, October 10th at 3pm for "Paint the Landing Pink" event supporting breast cancer awareness month. I guarantee you that your heart will be blessed! We have a big weekend ahead! 

Diet/Weight: I will know my total weight gain at my appt on Tuesday! Last time I went I had gained about 5lbs in the first trimester. 
Prayer needs: Ofcourse, that the baby will continue to grow and get the nutrients it needs to be strong and healthy! Pray that Tyler and I will continue to prioritize and serve eachother even after the baby comes and to continue going on dates/have intentional conversations to keep our marriage strong. I've heard the first year after having a baby can be tough on a marriage, so I am wanting to keep the Lord at the center of our new little family and let Him guide us through these times & fill them with joy! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in a few short weeks!! Eek! Anyone have any predictions? 
Thankful for: So many things! Right now, it would probably be my little snuggle buddy Darling, who has brought so much joy into our lives! Hard to believe she is nearing 3 years old in December- I can only imagine how fast time will fly with our new little sweet pea! Can't wait to see how Darling is with a new baby! I'm sure it will take no time for her to accept him/her as part of the "pack!" 


Dorothy & baby PRO :)  

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