Friday, August 28, 2015

Our First Pregnancy "Bumpdate"

My first "bumpdate" is a fun one because we have been secretly taking pics of finding out we are pregnant and the process since then, and now I can finally post them. We also have been able to tell our parents, family and friends the news and their reactions were priceless. Also, within these past few weeks we have been able to hear the heart beat AND see our baby kick and wave on the ultrasound! That was a thrilling and amazing sight! What a PRECIOUS little miracle God has blessed us with!! It made us think "Wow, this baby is really alive!" We already knew that, but seeing it move made it that much more real, even though I can still hardly tell there is a "bump" there.

We've got a big secret! Can't tell anyone just yet! I was around 7 weeks pregnant when this photo was taken.

Excited to be parents!
Darling's excited too!

Literally seconds after finding out! 
Excited to confirm our pregnancy, see our ultrasound for the first time,  and find out our  little one's estimated due date! 
Our first prenatal prenatal appointment went great! Due Date is March 9th, 2016!



Still trying to get this photo thing down! At this point I don't really know what to do with my hands!!
Also, Tyler has done a GREAT job with the photos and has been a huge help. All the photo credit goes to him. :)

Baby: Is the size of a plum! All of my baby's organs, structures and systems are fully formed. Vocal cords are developing, fingers and toes are separated (they were webbed for a bit) and hair/nails continue to grow. The brain and spinal cord are continuing to develop at lightning speed and they can even feel pain. He/ she has a strong heart beat, and it's heart is already pumping several quarts of blood through it's little body. The baby is approximately 2.5 -3.5 inches long.  Also, as we saw on the ultrasound, the little sweet pea is already moving around and making baby-like movements- I just can't feel him/her yet because of how TINY he/she is!!! Absolutely incredible!
Total weight gain: Not exactly sure, I think maybe around 3-5 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet, I tried some maternity pants on and they were HUGE on me. My belly is not big enough to hold them up. One day, one day...
Sleep: I have slept really well except for lately I have to get up to use the bathroom about 1 or 2x a night. The past three weeks I have had some pretty crazy and random dreams. I have dreamt just about anything and everything. It's so funny to tell Tyler about my dreams that I can remember- we get a lot of laughs.
Favorite moment of the week: Probably being able to tell our parents, brothers and sisters and announcing it to our friends near and far on social media. Thank you for everyone's sweet words, congratulatory remarks, encouragement and support! Also, we are SO thankful for Felicia Pettigrew with FJ designs who helped us with our announcement photos. She did a fantastic job!
Miss anything? Not anything particularly. In a few weeks, I will probably miss fitting into my jeans...
Movement:  I know he/she is moving around in there already but Baby Pro is still too tiny for me to feel any movements.
Cravings? Definitely buttered popcorn from the movie theater or show. Each time I smell the pop corn it's like my nose just insists I get some! It has not disappointed me yet! Also, I am loving Milk Duds- but that sounds about right! 
Anything make you queasy or sick? Soft drinks, windy roads while riding in the car, and any time my stomach is empty. Sometimes in the middle of the night I have to get up and grab some milk or Naked juice so my stomach will feel satisfied and stop feeling queasy. Baby's gotta eat!
Gender prediction: My little brother Dane thinks that my sister is having a boy and that we are having a girl. It's too soon to tell and we would be happy either way. We will find out in about 9 more weeks! So excited! 
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Random headaches, nausea & fatigue… Although this week, I have hardly any symptoms. I'm starting to see a tiny little bump come out. But I am not sure if anyone can tell yet or not. Also, I am really thankful that I have not gotten to the point where I have been sick and throwing up. So far, so good.
Belly button in or out? In
Mood: I go through spouts of intense emotion. Around 10 weeks I cried three nights in a row! Which, if anyone knows me would agree that is out of the norm for me. I am usually very even keel and don't usually get upset a lot. 
Looking forward to: Time in California with my family! Stephanie and Joseph are expecting their first child any day now and I am so excited for my upcoming trip to see them and their new baby! We also don't know the gender yet, so I am pumped to see if it is a boy or girl! 
My sister, Stephanie and her husband Joseph waiting expectantly for their first child to arrive! 
Stephanie at 40 weeks. If I look anything like her at that point, I will be super happy! She looks amazing. She is due any day now! Come on, baby!
Exercise- Still teaching PiYo and Onebeat classes. Feeling really good! It's funny how most of the time before class I do not feel like working out and feel too tired, but afterwards I feel SO much more energetic and my mood always improves. It's ALWAYS worth it! The doctor said it's great to continue exercising during pregnancy and to "listen to my body" and it will tell me if something is too rigorous of an exercise. So far, I do not have a belly in the way- so I know I will have to modify things once I do! I also take my dog on 1-2 walks during the day.
Prayer need? Just for my sister and her delivery! Pray with me that she will deliver safely and quickly! Also, that the baby will be healthy and there are no serious complications! I know they are ready for the little one to make his/her debut!  
Thankful for- The Lord's perfect timing in giving us a child and for his ultimate provision. I am thankful that the Lord will provide all our needs for the baby.  I am realizing more and more that the baby is not going to need a bunch of "stuff," rather, he/she is just going to need a bunch of "LOVE" from us. I am thankful that the Lord has first loved us and allows us to love one another deeply and of course, we can't wait to love on our new little baby Pro. That baby will definitely know He is LOVED!  We are already anxious to meet him/her. 

Thankful for this stage of life, for the Lord's provision in finding me the perfect fit for a job through this year and for getting to do life with Tyler, who is my biggest support, prayer partner, and encourager. 


Dorothy & baby PRO :)  

Friday, August 21, 2015

Exciting news!

Coming soon in March 2016, we will be welcoming a new family member! And... this time its not a puppy. :) 

Tyler and I can't wait to welcome home this new bundle of joy and experience being parents together! 

On July 2nd we found out some very surprising, life-changing, exciting news that we are expecting a little baby PRO!!! We found out shortly after we arrived in Nebraska for the Prochazka family reunion.  When the test came back positive, we both laughed, hugged and were filled with excitement and a little bit of nerves! We couldn't believe we were going to have a baby in less than a year! We immediately had to keep it cool. We knew we wanted to tell our families at just the right time. We also needed time to process it ourselves! It was kind of fun to have a secret between the two of us. No one knew just yet...

After our summer was over, we finally broke the news to our parents and family in some fun ways when they came to visit us. They were extremely shocked and elated to finally be grandparents! I will make a separate post with those stories of how we told them and their reactions! :) Also, we are really excited to share that my sister Stephanie & her husband are due any day now with their first child. We   can't wait to see and love on the new baby when he/she arrives! So happy that my sister and I are going to have our little bundles of joy about 6 months apart! Grateful she is right ahead of me in this ball game!

I am 11 weeks along and so far pregnancy has treated me well! Thank the Lord~ I will try my best to give "bumpdates" along the way!

Of course, Darling had to get in on the action, too. We know that she will be the BEST toy tester!

We are excited to go through this journey together and appreciate the love, prayers and encouragement of our friends and family as we bring new life into this world!  It takes a village to raise a child and we want to thank you for being a part of ours! We are thankful God has given us the gift of life and the privilege of becoming parents! 

Shout out to my incredibly talented and sweet friend Felicia with FJdesigns for these awesome photos! Also, thanks for keeping it a secret for so long! :) You are the best! Check out more of her amazing work here!


Dorothy and Tyler (And Darling, too!)